BOTOX lnj.

Botox is a natural, highly purified protien preparation of botulinum toxin type A, a neurotoxin complex, specially developed to treat the muscle rigidity that comes with cerebral palsy and for cosmetic treatment of facial wrinkles and frowning. It is available as botulinum toxin type A injection, 1 OOunits in vial.
Mode of action: Botox relaxes the tiny facial muscles that cause expression lines, leaving the overlying skin smooth and unwrinkled. Once the muscle is relaxed, one cannot contract it and continue to make the undesirable facial expression.
Thus, the lines gradually smooth out from disuse, and new creases are prevented from forming.
Botox works on the specific areas treated. Other muscles like those used to raise the eyebrows are not affected so a natural expression is maintained.
It will not freeze one's facial expressions. It softens them and works where one wants it to. Botox is equally effective on men and women.
Ind: 1. Cosmetic treatment of facial wrinkles and
frowning. 2. Treatment of the muscle rigidity that comes with cerebral palsy (discussed before in the chapter of drugs used in neuromuscular
C/I: Hypersensitivity to 'botulinum toxin type A'.
S/E: The most common side effects with this therapy are temporary and localised to the area of injection. These include- soreness or mild bruising, which can be easily covered with makeup, headache, and less commonly, an individual may develop a heavy eyelid lasting 1-4 weeks which the attending doctor may be able to treat. There
have been no permanent side effects of Botox reported.
Precautions: Botox is not recommended for patients with a neuromuscular disease.
Pregnancy & lactation: Botox is not recom-mended dunng pregnancy or breast-feeding.
Dosage & admin: First, the doctor will determine exactly where to use Botox to achieve the best results. No anesthetic is required, although doctor may use ice before
injecting. Treatment takes around 10 minutes.
A tiny amount of Botox is placed in selected facial muscles via tiny injections using a very fine needle. Discomfort is minimal and brief, most patients describe it as an ant bite sting for a few seconds.
Most people resume normal activities immediately. After injection, it takes 2-3 days for Botox to begin taking effect and around 7 days to see the full effect.
Botox lasts for up to four months, depending on the individual. One can decide to repeat the procedure as he wishes. The result will wear off gradually and expression lines slowly return. To maintain the effect one requires repeating injections 2-3 times a year. Studies show that with repeated Botox treatment, the effect can last longer, so one may require less frequent treatment in the future to maintain the result as he likes.
Prospect & prognosis of botox therapy: Botox is used widely (in the western countries) for the elimination of frown lines between the eyebrows, horizontal forehead wrinkles, crows feet or smile lines around the eyes. It is also being used to lift the eyebrow and open up the eye for a more youthful appearance. Doctors have also reported
good results in nasolabial folds between the nose and mouth, perioral lines (smokers lips), reducing neck lines and chin dimpling or creasing.
If an individual stops or discontinues treatment with botox, the lines will gradually revert to their pre-treatment oppearance. This may take 6 to 12 months. But there is no chance of worse looking.
Note: For more information please consult manufacturer's literature.
100 units vial x 1 's pack: 28450.00 TP

BOTOX lnj.

  • BDT 28,450.00

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