Hemotrax 500

In medicine: Prophylaxis and therapy of hemophtoes, digestive hemorrhages, hemorrhagic syndromes in leukaemia, cirrhosis and hemophilia, thrombocytopenic purpura, accidents during thrombolytic therapy and transfusion.

In surgery: Prophylaxis and antihemorrhagic therapy during operations of any type and nature and particularly in pulmonary, cardiovascular and abdominal surgery and post-operative and traumatic shock.

In urology: Prophylaxis and antihemorrhagic therapy of prostatic, vesical and renal surgery. Hematurias.

In obstetrics: Prophylaxis and therapy of post-partum and puerperium hemorrhages, hemorrhagic metrophathies, functional menometrorrhagias, idiopathic or IUD(lntra uterine Device) induced menorrhagias, primitive hyperfibrinolysis (abruptio placentae, premature placenta detachment) and in cervical conization.

In otorhinolaryngology: Prophylaxis and antihemorrhagic therapy during a tonsillectomy, specialist surgery generally, epistaxis.

In stomatology: Prophylaxis and antihemorrhagic therapy during maxillofacial operations, tooth extractions.

In oncology (as supportive therapy): To promote the formation of a fibrin capsule to wall off and thereby inhibit the growth of ovarian tumors. To cause regression of ascites secondary to carcinoma. To reduce bleeding during surgical interventions.

Hemotrax 500

  • Product Code: BMH78946157
  • Availability: In Stock
  • BDT 20.00

Tags: Hemotrax